This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 640276.
This workpackage is concerned with improving our quantification of irreducible uncertainties that arise from inevitable non-coincidence of satellite and non-satellite measurements. The measurements may occur at slightly different times or locations or measure different volumes. Because the atmosphere is a dynamic fluid system any mismatch will lead to a difference that arises from changes in the atmospheric state. These differences must be accounted for in any meaningful comparison between the satellite and non-satellite measurements if reliable inferences are to be made. The workpackage shall:
- Characterise the uncertainties arising for single instruments (Task 3.1).
- Characterise the uncertainties arising for more spatially comprehensive network comparisons (Task 3.2).
- Develop software tools to enable the use in the forthcoming “Virtual Observatory” (WP5, Task 3.3).
Figure: Conceptual visualisation of the metrology of a satellite-ground measurement comparison Verhoelst et al., 2015.