This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 640276.
This workpackage is concerned with improving our metrological characterisation of measurements of GAIA-CLIM target Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). To enable a comprehensive comparison between a satellite and non-satellite measurement requires a full metrological characterisation of at least one of the two measurements (reference-quality data). A full characterisation requires an unbroken chain of measurement processing to SI or accepted standards and a quantification of the uncertainty in each step. The workpackage shall:
- Create, to the extent possible, fully traceable reference-quality measurements for a number of measurement techniques that are close to such maturity (Task 2.1).
- Analyse existing comparisons and observations to provide more indicative uncertainties for observations from the remainder of the global observing system capabilities (Task 2.2).
- Undertake metrological auditing and produce best practices documentation for improving instrument characterisation (Task 2.3).
Figure: Example metrological characterisation of a radiosonde profile from Dirksen et al., 2014.
First traceability model diagrams can be found here.
Product Traceability and Uncertainty (PTU) documents can be found here.