
G1.14  Currently limited aircraft measurements in Eastern Europe

Gap detailed description

Missing aircraft information for many locations in Eastern Europe cause issues.  Very few  aircraft currently provide water vapour measurements over Europe, and even fewer O3. Both of these parameters require additional sensors to be added to the aircraft. There is  EUMETNET funding available for a slow increase in the number of aircraft that carry humidity sensors, but nothing is currently planned for O3.

Activities within GAIA-CLIM related to this gap

We have conducted a study to understand how the gaps might be filled by the inclusion of new airlines. This study has been provided to the E-AMDAR program manager to allow for further development of the program. Including new airlines is a complicated approach and can be expensive, it is therefore unlikely that the gaps will be readily filled in the short term. No other work within GAIA-CLIM is suggested to fill the AMDAR coverage gaps.

Gap remedy(s)

1.       Inclusion of new airlines

2.       Expansion of Mode-S MRAR usage. This is dependent on air traffic management organisations, air space density and national meteorological services.

Remedy #1

Specific remedy proposed

New airlines identified in the study, or others operating in the correct regions being included in E-AMDAR

Measurable outcome of success

New airlines, providing regular profiles to airports not currently served by E-AMDAR airlines.

Achievable outcomes

Technological / organizational viability: High

Indicative cost estimate: low (<1 million) [depends on airlines, aircraft and software development and installation costs]


More airlines operating to more airports would close the coverage gap.


Of the order 5 years.

Remedy #2

Specific remedy proposed

More air traffic management secondary surveillance radar interrogating Mode-S MRAR (BDS 4,4). The collection and processing of this data.

Measurable outcome of success

MRAR data from more areas.

Achievable outcomes

Technological / organizational viability: Low

Indicative cost estimate: low (<1 million)


This will provide AMDAR quality temperature and wind data. It is only possible in relatively low density air space due to bandwidth limitation of Mode-S


Of the order 10 years.

Gap risks to non-resolution


Identified future risk / impact

Probability of occurrence if gap not remedied

Downstream impacts on ability to deliver high quality services to science / industry / society


Unreliable climate scenarios due to typical use of approximation for the missing data in space and time using interpolation/smoothing


Decreased level of confidence of future climate  projects at both global and regional scale and impact on mitigation strategies.


Work package: