Remedy 1: Create and disseminate a fully traceable reference quality DIAL lidar product

Primary gap remedy type: 
Secondary gap remedy type: 
Proposed remedy description: 

Work has been undertaken to attain a fully traceable product for the DIAL lidar technique to measure tropospheric ozone profile data. A traceability chain has been fully documented. The uncertainty in each step in the processing chain has been quantified in a robust manner. Documentation as to how to undertake such traceable measurements has been published in the peer reviewed literature. Now these methods and calculations need to be implemented across potential networks and individual stations. This requires funding support to networks and individual sites to enable measurements to be undertaken in a comparable manner. It also requires support for centralised processing, archival and dissemination.


The issue is highly relevant for any application that uses ground based tropospheric ozone lidar data as a reference. In particular to understand the tropospheric ozone budget and the reduction of the uncertainties in estimation of the resulting radiative forcing.

Measurable outcome of success: 

Established (published in peer reviewed journal) error budget calculation scheme.

Expected viability for the outcome of success: 
  • High
Scale of work: 
  • Single institution
  • Consortium
Time bound to remedy: 
  • Less than 1 year
Indicative cost estimate (investment): 
  • Low cost (< 1 million)
Indicative cost estimate (exploitation): 
  • Yes
Ongoing annual costs to maintain (low)
Potential actors: 
  • EU H2020 funding
  • Copernicus funding
  • National funding agencies
  • National Meteorological Services
  • WMO
  • ESA, EUMETSAT or other space agency