GAIA-CLIM outreach

GAIA-CLIM outreach documents

An introduction to the GRUAN Processor

Poster by Fabien Carmiati at the Environment and Climate Change Canada 5th WGNE workshop Montreal -  June 19-23, 2017

GEO XIII Europe for GEOS

GAIA-CLIM poster to be presented at GEO XIII Exhibition, under the European Commission Stand in St Petersburg 8-10 November 2016. It outlines the progress of activities in the first 18 months of the project 

GAIA-CLIM poster European Space Solutions 2016

This poster will be presented at the European Space Solutions (ESS) Conference , 30th May to 3rd June 2016 in The Hage. It is an non-technical handout with an overview of GAIA-CLIM activities.

Task 1.1 GCOS poster

This poster was presented at the GCOS Conference 'GLOBAL CLIMATE OBSERVATION: THE ROAD TO THE FUTURE' in March 2016. It presents the work undertaken under Task 1.1, Definition of system of systems approach


These two posters were presented at the GCOS Conference 'GLOBAL CLIMATE OBSERVATION: THE ROAD TO THE FUTURE' in March 2016. The first poster gives an overview of  GAIA-Clim activities, and the  accompanying poster covers the purpose of the Gaps Assessment and Impacts Document (GAID)

GAIA-CLIM presentation

This presentation was given at the 2015 ESA CMUG meeting. It provides a generic overview on the GAIA-CLIM project.

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